Concrete Restoration & Waterproofing


ASR performs restoration and waterproofing repairs on concrete structures, parking structures and curtain walls based upon the design plan and specifications developed by an engineer and/or architect. With every project, we evaluate the scope of work, provide a detailed cost estimate, prioritize the construction schedule, communicate the construction progress and timeline throughout the project, and ensure quality workmanship. In addition, the project management team understands the importance of developing a strategy to minimize interruption and allow continuous structure access and operation.

Solutions include:

  • Emergency Shoring
  • Structural Concrete Repairs & Patching
  • Precast Concrete Repairs
  • Topping Slab Repairs/Replacement
  • Waterproofing and Deck Membranes
  • Sealants
  • Chemical Grout Injection
  • Drain Systems
  • Expansion Joints
  • Epoxy Injection
  • Curtain Wall Grouting
  • Carbon Fiber Reinforcement
  • Post-Tension Repairs
  • Barrier Cable Repairs

project analysis

ASR performs restoration and waterproofing repairs on concrete structures, parking structures and curtain walls based upon the design plan and specifications developed by an engineer and/or architect. With every project, we evaluate the scope of work, provide a detailed cost estimate, prioritize the construction schedule, communicate the construction progress and timeline throughout the project, and ensure quality workmanship. In addition, the project management team understands the importance of developing a strategy to minimize interruption and allow continuous structure access and operation.

project Costing

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

project Planning

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

project Strategy

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Our work

case studies





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